Sabtu, 20 April 2013

Cassia Cinnamon

Cassia Cinnamon atau yang biasa kita kenal dengan istilah Kayu Manis,adalah sejenis rempah-rempah yang digunakan sebagai bahan penambah citarasa makanan,penyedap aroma makanan,obat-obatan serta dapat pula sebagai bahan pembuatan parfum.
                Meskipun Indonesia merupakan habitat dari kayu manis,namun ternyata habitat asli dari kayu Manis ini adalah Sri Lanka, Madagaskar,India dan Seychelles.Namun,yang membedakan kayu manis Indonesia dari negara lainnya yakni kayu manis yang terdapat di Indonesia telah diteliti mengandung coumarin yang berlebih sehingga menyebabkan kayu manis Indonesia terlalu manis.
                Kayu manis ini,merupakan bumbu rempah-rempah kedua yang terpopuler di Eropa dan Amerika.Selain sebagai bumbu masakan,ternyata kayu manis ini memiliki banyak manfaat lainnya.Yakni dalam kesehatan dan kecantikan.
Berikut manfaat dalam kesehatan:
Otak Tonic:membantu dalam menghilangkan ketegangan saraf dan kehilangan memori. Penelitian di Wheeling Jesuit University di AS telah membuktikan bahwa aroma kayu manis memiliki kemampuan untuk meningkatkan aktivitas otak.
Pemurnian darah: Kayu Manis membantu dalam menghilangkan kotoran darah. Oleh karena itu sering dianjurkan untuk jerawat.
Mulut penyegar: Kayu Manis digunakan dalam permen karet karena merupakan penyegar mulut yang baik dan menghilangkan bau mulut .
Diabetes: Kayu Manis memiliki kemampuan untuk mengendalikan gula darah. Kayu manis sangat berguna bagi Penderita diabetes karena membantu penderita dalam menggunakan insulin. Para peneliti di US Department of Human Nutrition Research Pusat Pertanian di Beltsville, Maryland , mempelajari efek berbagai makanan zat termasuk kayu manis pada gula darah. Mereka menemukan bahwa air -larut senyawa yang disebut polifenol MHCP yang berlimpah dalam kayu manis bertindak sinergis dengan insulin dan membantu dalam pemanfaatan yang lebih baik dari insulin.
                Sedangkan bagi kecantikan,kayu manis ini dapat digunakan untuk membersihkan wajah.Caranya dengan menghaluskannya,dan mencampurkannya dengan madu.Jika dilakukan secara rutin,kayu manis ini akan membuat wajah lebih cerah.(Any)

Love Story-Taylor Swift

We were both young when I first saw you
I close my eyes
And the flashback starts
I'm standing there
On a balcony in summer air

See the lights

See the party, the ball gowns
See you make your way through the crowd
And say hello, little did I know

That you were Romeo, you were throwing pebbles

And my daddy said stay away from Juliet
And I was crying on the staircase
Begging you please don't go, and I said

Romeo take me somewhere we can be alone

I'll be waiting, all there's left to do is run
You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess
It's a love story baby just say yes

So I sneak out to the garden to see you

We keep quiet cause we're dead if they knew
So close your eyes
Escape this town for a little while

Cause you were Romeo, I was a scarlet letter

And my daddy said stay away from Juliet
But you were everything to me
I was begging you please don't go and I said

Romeo take me somewhere we can be alone

I'll be waiting all there's left to do is run
You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess
It's a love story baby just say yes

Romeo save me, they're tryin to tell me how to feel

This love is difficult, but it's real
Don't be afraid, we'll make it out of this mess
It's a love story baby just say yes

Oh oh

I got tired of waiting

Wondering if you were ever coming around
My faith in you was fading
When I met you on the outskirts of town, and I said

Romeo save me I've been feeling so alone

I keep waiting for you but you never come
Is this in my head? I don't know what to think
He knelt to the ground and pulled out a ring and said

Marry me Juliet

You'll never have to be alone
I love you and that's all I really know
I talked to your dad, go pick out a white dress
It's a love story baby just say yes

Oh, oh,

Oh, oh
Cause we were both young when I first saw you..

Jumat, 19 April 2013

"The Story Of Us" Voc Taylor Swift

I used to think one day we'd tell the story of us,
How we met and the sparks flew instantly,
People would say, "They're the lucky ones."
I used to know my place was a spot next to you,
Now I'm searching the room for an empty seat,
'Cause lately I don't even know what page you're on.

Oh, a simple complication,
Miscommunications lead to fall-out.
So many things that I wish you knew,
So many walls that I can't break through.

Now I'm standing alone in a crowded room and we're not speaking,
And I'm dying to know is it killing you like it's killing me, yeah?
I don't know what to say, since the twist of fate when it all broke down,
And the story of us looks a lot like a tragedy now.

Next chapter.

How'd we end up this way?
See me nervously pulling at my clothes and trying to look busy,
And you're doing your best to avoid me.
I'm starting to think one day I'll tell the story of us,
How I was losing my mind when I saw you here,
But you held your pride like you should've held me.

Oh, I'm scared to see the ending,
Why are we pretending this is nothing?
I'd tell you I miss you but I don't know how,
I've never heard silence quite this loud.

Now I'm standing alone in a crowded room and we're not speaking,
And I'm dying to know is it killing you like it's killing me, yeah?
I don't know what to say, since the twist of fate when it all broke down,
And the story of us looks a lot like a tragedy now.

This is looking like a contest,
Of who can act like they care less,
But I liked it better when you were on my side.
The battle's in your hands now,
But I would lay my armor down
If you said you'd rather love than fight.
So many things that you wished I knew,
But the story of us might be ending soon.

Now I'm standing alone in a crowded room and we're not speaking,
And I'm dying to know is it killing you like it's killing me, yeah?
I don't know what to say, since the twist of fate when it all broke down,
And the story of us looks a lot like a tragedy now, now, now.
And we're not speaking,
And I'm dying to know is it killing you like it's killing me, yeah?
I don't know what to say, since the twist of fate 'cause we're going down,
And the story of us looks a lot like a tragedy now.

The end.

Rabu, 17 April 2013

Link Novel Online

Hai,ada blog yang menyediakan novel-novel untuk di baca online dan download Ebooknya nih.Free lho!
Check this out
Baca Novel Online Gratis
Tahu dari dulu sih,tapi baru bisa nge-share sekarang.
Selamat membaca :)

My Live Journal

My Journal

Hi guys, how are you today?
Although the four-days holiday as there are exams
but it seems like a holiday, well it is not a holiday. Actually, study at home. And of course a lot of homework that has accumulated. It sucks right?
But it's been three days of vacation, I have not touched my book at all. Oh God, how is this?By the way, the national exam. I really hope they do it successfully. Moreover, "he", I hope he really did their best. I can only pray for him .Even he did not call me for several days.
Okay, stop here. I've too much chatter.
Have a wonderful day, and do not forget to keep Study. (* Ehh How about me?)
See you :)

Selasa, 16 April 2013


 The question that often arises is, "What do you wanna be?"
"What is your ambition?", "Continuing where next?"
And the last, "Are you sure you can afford?"
Back to the beginning, already do you know what you like?
If it is, whether it would be your dream destination?
Still not sure? Or not suitable as outreach goals
Then, the conclusion is "DO NOT KNOW"
Everyone has a view of the future in their own way
That eventually, if based on the belief, or view any way will keep bringing them on success
There are some cases like this:
X: "Do you Want to be?"
Y: "Doctor."
X: "What are your efforts?"
Y: "in science majors, and a renowned medical school."
X: "Can you sure? Lot of rival.And it so difficult."
Y: "Why do not you believe? I am sure, If you have a lot of people who could be doctors, why I can’t? If we do not believe and do not seek from the beginning, of course we do not can.BUT the contrary, if we strive and pray, why we can’t? "
It was the first case in which we are already planning and designing future since start. Try as hard as possible to achieve that we wanted. And what we need is the motivation of optimism and maximum effort.
The second case was not planned but sure. In this case, someone knows about her dreams and what she likes, and believe in what he's doing. But he does not know what he'll do tomorrow later.
X: "Want to be?"
Y: "I do not know."
X: "What is your ambition?"
Y: "I do not know."
X: Wanted to go to university where? "
Y: "I do not know."
X: "Why do not you know, how could you not think about your future."
Y: "For me, because I do not know. Then I think about my future. Tomorrow is a mystery that want to reveal. Tomorrow We're not announcing it what? Therefore I want to keep going to find out tomorrow.
And the last case does not need to be explained. Recent case of someone who does not know his dream and did not have anything for that pursuit. Hopefully this is clear and useful to us all.It Just my opinion I got from several referencesIf there is wrong, understandable please . My English is so bad.
See you :)

Masa depan

Pertanyaan yang sering muncul adalah, "mau menjadi apa nanti?"
"Apa cita-citamu?", "Melanjutkan di mana nanti?"
Dan yang terakhir, "Yakin kamu mampu?"

Kembali ke awal,sudah tahukah apa yang kamu sukai?
Jika sudah,apakah itu akan menjadi tujuan mimpimu?
Masih belum yakin?Atau tidak cocok sebagai tujuan penggapaian?
Lalu,kesimpulannya adalah "TIDAK TAHU"

Setiap orang mempunyai pandangan masa depan dengan cara mereka sendiri
Yang akhirnya,jika didasari keyakinan,cara atau pandangan apapun akan tetap membawa mereka pada kesuksesan.
Ada beberapa kasus seperti ini:

X:"Mau jadi apa?"
X:"Apa usahamu?"
Y:"Masuk jurusan IPA,dan masuk fakultas kedokteran ternama."
X:"Yakin kamu bisa,saingannya banyak.Dan sulit sekali."
Y:"Kenapa tidak yakin? Tentu saja yakin,Jika sudah banyak orang yang bisa menjadi dokter,kenapa aku tidak bisa!Jika kita tak yakin dan tak berusaha dari awal,tentu saja kita tak bisa.Tapi sebaliknya,jika kita berusaha dan berdoa,kenapa kita tak bisa?"
Itu kasus pertama,di mana kita sudah merencanakan dan merancang masa depan sejak dini.Berusaha sekeras mungkin untuk mencapai yang kita inginkan.Dan yang kita butuhkan adalah motivasi tentang keoptimisan dan kemaksimalan.

Kasus kedua adalah Tak terencana tapi yakin .Di kasus ini,seseorang mengetahui tentang mimpinya dan apa yang dia sukai,serta yakin dengan apa yang dia lakukan .Tetapi ia tak tahu tentang apa yang akan ia lakukan esok nanti.

X:"Mau jadi apa?"
Y: “Nggak tahu.”
X: “Apa cita-citamu?”
Y: “Nggak tahu.”
X: “Pengennya masuk Universitas mana?”
Y: “Nggak tahu.”
X: “Kenapa tidak tahu,bagaimana bisa kamu tidak memikirkan masa depanmu.”
Y: “Bagiku,karna aku tidak tahu.Maka aku memikirkan masa depanku.Esok itu misteri yang ingin kuungkapkan.Kita tidak tahukan besok itu apa?Maka dari itu aku ingin terus melangkah untuk mengetahui esok.
 Dan kasus terakhir tak perlu dijelaskan.Kasus terakhir tentang seseorang yang tak mengetahui mimpinya dan tak punya apa-apa untuk usaha pencapaian.Semoga ini jelas dan berguna untuk kita semua.Ini hanya sekedar pendapatku yang kudapat dari beberapa referensi.Kalau ada salah,maklumi ya :) .Lebih-lebih kalau bisa membenahi.
Oke sampai di sini dulu.